Quotation request
  1. For further information do not hesitate to call us at +39031627320 or send us a mail to the following address: info@lema.it. Please fill out the request form to receive a quote. We are at your disposal for any information and we will respond quickly. Thank you.
  2. Fields marked with an asterisk are required.
  3. Company(*)
    Invalid Input
  4. Name - Surname(*)
    Inserisci il tuo nome
  5. Full adress
    Invalid Input
  6. Country
    Invalid Input
  7. Telephone(*)
  8. Email(*)
    Please let us know your email address.
  9. Fax
  10. Type of production
    Invalid Input
  11. Press Installed
  12. Sized mm x mm
    Invalid Input
  13. Type the Mould
    Invalid Input
  14. Lower punch
    Invalid Input
  15. Upper punch
    Invalid Input
  16. Moulds for:
    Invalid Input
  17. Press for:
    Invalid Input
  18. Type of Presses
    Invalid Input
  19. Did you buy in italy already?
    Invalid Input
  20. Notes:
    Invalid Input
  21. Policy Privacy
    Invalid Input
  22. (*)
    Invalid Input
  23.    RefreshInvalid Input